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Sean Copperstone joined us for the Grand Opening of the Lodge back in April this year. Live the Life: Why did you choose to build in Ecuador? and why in the Yunguilla Valley in particular? What attracted you to this location? Sean: “I chose the Valley for the proximity to the lodge, the consistent climate and the abundance of hiking and op...

Sean Copperstone’s Story in the Yunguilla Valley

Sean Copperstone joined us for the Grand Opening of the Lodge back in April this year.

Live the Life: Why did you choose to build in Ecuador? and why in the Yunguilla Valley in particular? What attracted you to this location?

Sean: “I chose the Valley for the proximity to the lodge, the consistent climate and the abundance of hiking and opportunity to explore the unknown of the area. I have only made one trip to the area but I think the possibilities are endless.”

Live the Life: Where are you right now in the US?

Sean: “I am currently in Bradenton, Florida”

Live the Life: How does this home fit with your long and short term plans? Retirement? I find it interesting that you’re young and already building. You’re not the stereotypical ‘gringo retiree,’ living on a pension and building down here, so if there’s anything you can share about your plan, that would be great.

Sean: “My plans are to start building now in the hopes that in a few years I am able to spend multiple months in Ecuador and become involved with the community if that is by volunteering or just being a positive influence to the area. By starting to build now I hope to be able to have a return on investment and make it financially more possible to spend the time in Ecuador at a much younger age. I hope to build multiple homes in Ecuador and help other like-minded people do the same. Short term is to get this wonderful home done so I can rent it out and have my own space to visit as well. With the proximity to the lodge and the availability of Torrin it is very appealing to bring new potential people to the area.”

Live the Life: Positives/Negatives of building to suit here. Anything positive you care to share about the experience? Warnings to others thinking about building?

Sean: “As of now there has not been any bumps in the road with completing the home (that I know of. Lol) With the help of Torrin and his team this has been a complete delight to build in a foreign country and am excited to have the opportunity soon to place foot in this beautiful new home with an amazing view that will never get old. Spending time in Ecuador though only a short time makes you really take a look and step back to what is really important in this short time we get to spend on this earth. I will without a doubt recommend Torrin and his team to anyone that is interested in Ecuador.”

Sean Copperstone’s Story in the Yunguilla Valley

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