We all know that organic produce is healthy but sometimes can be hard to find in Ecuador. With the chaos of the markets, the vendors talking at you from all sides, the flies buzzing around your head, the kids running around, figuring out what is organic or not is impossible for the non-experienced veteran. That is why at Live the Life and the Food Forest, we have eliminated the stress for you and offer a hassle free way to bring perfectly organic, chemical free food right to your table.
For $20 a week, you could have organic farm fresh foods in your home every week year round and would never have to worry about the struggle of the market again! Imagine a pre-organized crate of different organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs that you can use to cook up the healthiest and most delicious meal you have ever tasted. Well now you can!
- Each crate from the Food Forest comes with a balanced array of 10-12 different organic items including salad greens, cooking greens, root crops, fruits, vegetables, and culinary herbs. Each item is picked fresh every week.
- We use no chemical fertilizers, bio engineered genes, nor synthetic pesticides
- The harvests vary with the time of the season so you will never get bored of the same ol’ thing coming each week.
- A classic box harvest share comfortably fulfills the weekly produce needs of 2-4 people who like to eat plenty of vegetables.
- Households can enroll for more than one share!
List of available Fruits and Vegetables
Sweet potato | Limes | Peppers |
Bananas multiple varieties
Kale | Many oranges | Cabbage | Peppers multiple varieties |
Lettuce | Lemons | Papaya | Yuca |
Red lettuce | Grapefruit | Mango seasonal | Guanaba |
Broccoli | Passion fruit | Avocado. Seasonal | Red beets |
Cauliflower | Varieties of onions | Squash multiple varieties | Carrots |
Many other herbs and items…
Sign up now to receive your first crate of these health-pleasing, taste bud satisfying organic fruits and vegetables. Your crate can be picked up at The Lodge every Friday afternoon or delivery is available for an additional charge.
- Lentag, LiveTheLife offices, The Lodge: Office is located at KM54.820 on main highway in downtown Lentag.
Sign up at info(at)livethelifeinecuador(dotted)com and put subject line as “I’m ready for my organic crate!”
- $2 per pound and crates can be ordered in 20lbs or 40lbs. ($40 or $80)
- $20 crate deposit
- Pick up is Friday afternoon
- Service is offered year round.
- You or a designated person can pick up your crate. If your box is not picked up, it will be donated to a good home that week.
- When you visit the pickup site, just initial your spot on the member list, grab your crate and go. Please leave last week’s crate behind.
- If delivery is desired, an addition weekly charge will be added
- When you visit the pickup site, just initial your spot on the member list, grab your crate and go. Please leave last week’s crate behind.
- If delivery is desired, an addition weekly charge will be added

Live the Life Organic Shop
1 lb Organic Coffee ½ lb Organic Coffee 16 oz jar of pickles 12 oz pickled beets Maracuyá jelly Candied figs 1 lb honey Gallon of milk 1 Dozen eggs |
$15.50 $8 $8 $6 $6 $5 $16 $5 $5 |
1 Quart of fresh Moringa leaves 1 Quart of fresh Neem leaves and chew stick for teeth Meadow Sweet (aspirina) starter plant Noni berry (bag of 3) |
$10 $10 $10 $10 |
The Food Forest Farm

In the world of Ayurveda, neem is a popular medicinal herb that’s been part of traditional remedies that date back almost 5000 years. Also known as Read more…

Moringa plant is beginning to gain more popularity as a new “superfood” for its highly nutritious profile and powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and Read more…

Chamomile tea is one of the popular varieties of tea in the market and it has many health benefits and uses. These include its ability to protect the skin, lower stress levels, regulate sleep, and soothe menstrual symptoms. Read more…