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Employment Opportunities

Ecuador is rife with so much potential – not just as a top tourist destination, but as a second home for anyone who wants to live a life that is full of adventure and excitement, rooted in the simple joys of the everyday. In Ecuador, you can truly live life to the fullest. Our team wants to help you discover for yourself. We provide the opportunity for people of all ages to explore what Ecuador has to offer, from its stunning sights and sounds to investment opportunities of the best kind. Join our team and collaborate with us!

Meet the Team

Available Opportunities at the Live the Life Lodge & Health Center

Personal assistant to the owner to work at the Lodge in Yunguilla Valley

  • Room and board included
  • Bilingual
  • Please send resume with salary requirements
  • Knowledge in Customer Service, Marketing, Accounting, Hotel Operations, Management of Personnel, etc.

Tour operators out of the Lodge in Yunguilla

  • Room and board included
  • Bilingual
  • Please send resume with salary requirements
  • New tour ideas always welcome!

Servers & Bartenders for Live the Life Restaurant and El Toro Bar

  • Room & Board available
  • Bilingual
  • Please send resume with salary requirements
  • Experience with customer service, food handling, bar tending, etc.

Cleaning Staff

  • Room & Board available
  • Bilingual preferred
  • Please send resume with salary requirements

Collaborating with Live the Life Lodge & Health Center

Live the Life Lodge & Health Center is tucked away in the Yunguilla Valley and offers total peace and tranquility for those looking to unplug, get healthy, and get back in touch with nature. With an emphasis on wellness and nutrition, we want to show our clients how easy it can be to treat their body right with deliciously organic foods, adventurous exercise, and rejuvenating relaxation.

We are always looking to collaborate with people who offer services related to health and wellness. By collaborating with the Lodge, you can enhance your list of clientele while providing exceptional service in a great location.  Working together brings success to all!

Services that would be great at the Lodge:

  • Yoga
  • Zumba classes
  • Healthy cooking classes
  • Massages
  • Beauty services
  • Language teachers
  • Personal trainers
  • Nutrition Advice
  • Cross Fit
  • Swimming lessons and classes
  • Musicians
  • etc.

The ideas are endless. We want to know what your ideas are! Your service is your service and the Live the Life Lodge could be the perfect environment to make your business a success. If you are involved in one of these areas and are looking for that perfect place to start your business, your search is over!

For more information about the lodge, visit our website

Contact [email protected] with your ideas, goals, and marketing plan.

Available Opportunities at the Food Forest (Organic Farm)

Sitting on 15 hectares of land, the Food Forest has countless varieties of organic crops that produce enough food to supply the Live the Life restaurant, Clermo’s juice bar, our crate delivery program and other various ventures each day. Our crops are planted from heirloom seeds and started in greenhouses with transfer to the outdoors happening once plants have become gained strength. Irrigation comes from an all-natural spring fed from the Andes Mountains. Once each crop has reached the perfect amount of ripeness, they are handpicked and ready to be consumed.

We are in the process of developing our programs further and for this have begun planting at greater rates. Our seedlings require great care and monitoring so that we produce fruitful crops as well as insuring that each step of the process is completely organic.

Volunteers Wanted

We are passionate about our food. We want to share our love and knowledge about farming with others. We want everyone to experience the many benefits that come along with eating organically just as we have experienced.

If you are interested in learning about Organic Farming while enjoying the many beauties of this great country, look no further. As a part of your volunteer experience, you will learn about

  • Organic Farming
  • Planting
  • Watering
  • Coffee Production
  • Honey Collecting
  • Juicing
  • Giving Tours of the Farm
  • Cleaning
  • Minor Construction
  • Weeding
  • Seed Saving
  • Garden Planning
  • Marketing and Promotion
  • Program organization
  • Etc.

During your time, room and board is provided, all meals along with all of the fruits and vegetables you desire while working on the farm. Length of stays are flexible!

Send us an email at [email protected] with your information, experience, and goals you hope to achieve during your time on the farm.

Marketing Internships

Our growing, Ecuador based real estate company would like to bring on a Marketing Intern for next summer. The successful candidate will be  studying or has studied marketing or communications. We’re looking for a driven, ambitious individual who wants to create a career in social media and content marketing and who has a desire to explore the beautiful country of Ecuador. We’re offering a flexible schedule if you wish to pursue other opportunities simultaneously such as travel. We provide extensive training, guidance and support, as well as the opportunity to experience the industry from the inside and gain valuable work experience. Not to mention, you get to experience a great nation full of nature, culture, and charm.

Responsibilities Include:

  • Develop new media campaigns from the ground up, considering our clients’ needs and their specific industries
  • Take over content creation for all of our company social media accounts, including organizing cross-platform content strategies
  • Monitor social channels for trending news, ideas and memes, then capitalize on those trends through our social media accounts and internet presence
  • Perform research into our clients’ industries and provide actionable tips and advice for expanding their reach in the digital space


  • Familiarity with social media strategies and platforms
  • Knowledge of Website management
  • Ability to multi-task and take initiative
  • Flexible work schedule
  • Hardworking and dedicated outlook
  • Ability to take direction and absorb information quickly
  • Experience with content creation a plus, even if not professionally

If you are interested in collaborating, contact [email protected] with your information, experience, and goals for the internship.

Collaborating Realtors World Wide

Live the Life is always looking to collaborate with other realtors so that clients can receive better service and can find exactly what they are looking for. As more and more people are wanting to move abroad,  realtors are finding that having international properties in their portfolios is necessary in order to be completely successful.

Ecuador offers some great real estate investment opportunities as well as a great quality of life filled with adventure, culture, and health. We would love to be your point of contact for this beautiful country so that you can give your clients the best service possible.

Contact us so that we can send your more information regarding real estate opportunities in the area. Let’s work together so that we can all become successful!

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