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About Ecuador


:   April 17, 2019 La Semana Santa en Ecuador es la conmemoración anual de la pasión, muerte y resurrección de Jesús de Nazaret. Lo más espectacular durante la Semana Santa es la procesión de Jesús, muchas personas se reúne...

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What’s the Weather Like-img

What’s the Weather Like?

:   December 11, 2017 The infamous question of every phone conversation I have with beloved friends and family, “what’s the weather like? Is it hot?”  As simple as these questions may be, they are surprisingly difficult to a...

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10 Reasons Why I Love Ecuador

:   December 11, 2017 10 Reasons Why I Love Ecuador   People ask me all the time why I came to Ecuador and honestly, the only thing I can say is because I hadn't been there before. I didn't know much about Ecuador before...

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Explore the Village of Puerto Lopez

:   April 25, 2017 Located in the Manabi Province, along the central coast of Ecuador, Puerto Lopez is a small coastal village that’s famous for its myriad of tourist attractions, including humpback whale watching, the scenic Machali...

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Reasons to Move to Yunguilla Valley

:   April 11, 2017 Yunguilla Valley is fast becoming one of Ecuador’s top retirement destinations, with its relaxing countryside atmosphere, pleasant sunny weather, and stunning views of deep green farmland surrounded by mountains. ...

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2 Reasons to Love Whale Watching in Puerto Lopez

:   November 23, 2016 From June to September, the humpback whales travel from Antarctica to the warm waters of Ecuador, showing off to both tourists and locals in Puerto Lopez. Visitors from all over the world travel to Puerto Lopez to...

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Finding the best rentals in Yunguilla Valley

:   September 21, 2016 Yunguilla Valley is located just 45 minutes away from Cuenca. This stunning region feels worlds away from the bustle of the historic city and boasts verdant green farmland and panoramic views of cloud-crowned...

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