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Diana Ante

Diana  Ante
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    My name is Diana Ante, and I was born in Esmeraldas, in northern Ecuador.

    I specialize in Marketing and Climate Change, and I focus on creating spaces and projects oriented toward environmental education.

    Among the projects I have developed are:

    – *Environmental Strategy Esmeraldas: A City Resilient to Climate Change*.
    – *Research on the Impacts of High-Temperature Events on Human Health*.
    – *Founder of “Piña Rodante”*, an online store for organic foods.
    – *Director and Producer of the Documentary “Amatif”*, which explores the impacts of mining in Esmeraldas and the actions of Afro women to ensure their food sovereignty.
    – *Writer of articles for digital media* on environmental topics.

    I am currently finishing my master’s studies as a researcher at the Latin American Federal University (Unila).

    My long-term vision is to promote more sustainable and respectful ways of interacting with nature.

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